Thursday, February 26, 2009

rags to riches

Today I made the move from Cambodia to Vietnam. The flight was awesome, just about 30 minutes. I wanted to share some pics of my accommodations in Phnom Penh (including the pillow with my name all over it) for comparison to my new digs in Ho Chi Minh City. Also threw in a pic of a moto plus pigs in a basket that I saw on the way to the airport. Poor piggies!

I have to give a shot out to my personal hero(s) Willy-Bob who found this new hotel for me. I love you guys thanks for taking care of me from so far away!

Just reunited with Jesse and it felt so goooood. She is off to meet some friends on the town...I am in for the night being mellow. I told her my dad grounded me at the Hotel Magestic and I was not upset one bit. Happy to be here and have a fresh place to stay for my recovery.


  1. Robin! I am so glad you are feeling better- what a total hassle and scary to deal with in a weird place. I will be thinking of you! XOXO
