Tuesday, March 17, 2009

night boat to Ko Phi Phi

Arrived in Ko Phi Phi today via night boat, bus and ferry. Adventurous journey if there ever was one...
On the 15th we booked the night boat. At about 5pm the most serious rain I have seen in SE Asia started up and did not let down for a good hour. Jesse and I had our last supper with new friends and headed out in a cab to the pier (while our bags sat in the back of the pick-up and endured light rain). When we arrived to get on the boat we were informed that it was SOLD OUT! Our "tickets" were no good. Had to return to the resort and get another room (at a discount at least). Went down the beach to find our friends and have a energetic reunion! Taught them our game "Dance Horse" - which is like the basketball game Horse but with dance moves. It is catching on around the world!

Big night, anther day chilling at the beach. Another last supper and anther pick-up taxi ride to the pier. AGAIN they say sold out....unless we want to sleep on the deck. Without many other options we agreed. Slept under the stars with 14 other people for 8 hours. Then on mainland we waited for a hour of pain from 5-6am for our bus. Was ready to pass out when they started the movie, Twilight. I got completely sucked in and did not sleep for a minute! Whoops.
Then waited for another hour in Krabi before jumping on another ferry to Ko Phi Phi.

Finally arrived at 11am this morning! This place really is amazingly beautiful, will post some pics when I remember to bring my camera. Tomorrow we are going to do a scuba trip around the island including lunch and sunset...nice!

Also did not realize that today is St Patrick's Day - as if anyone around here needs extra reason to celebrate. It is so hot, just went to the beach and could not even handle it. Seeking shade for a few hours now... checking out the night life later.

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