Thursday, March 19, 2009

Phi Phi

What a beautiful island!

Dramatic scenery = limestone cliffs into blue green sea.
Did a snorkeling trip yesterday. Went to a bunch of spots, including the beach from "The Beach" - I haven't seen the movie but the location is sick!

The tsunami hit Phi Phi hard. We hung out at the beach near the Tsunami Memorial - so sad to see the photos and notes left by loved ones. Unreal to imagine such tragedy hitting such a beautiful and peaceful spot.

This morning I hiked up the the Viewpoint by our resort. I figured I would do it in the morning before it got too hot...still a sweaty situation though! Worth the effort - the view is incredible.
Today is our last day in Thailand before heading to Bali. Sad to leave and can not believe how quickly time is passing.

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